Please donate Now
Current Event
Ashford Castle Stay – Raffle – from Lex Consultancy
General Donations
Fionn Brogan Trust iDonate page
We are grateful for every donation, no matter how small. We are currently accepting donations via PayPal, or
Bank account name: Fionn Brogan Trust
Bank of Ireland, Ballsbridge, 87-89 Pembroke Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 X738
IBAN: IE69 BOFI 90 09 73 6963 1732
Sort Code: 90 09 73
Cheques can be made payable to ‘Fionn Brogan Trust’ and sent to:
Fionn Brogan Trust
22 Oscar Square, Dublin, D08 K2H0
We sincerely thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.